Help Feng Shui the space between the kitchen and the bathroom

راهنما فنگ شویی فضای بین آشپزخانه و حمام

Creating a pause like a large sized panel between the two kitchen and bathroom spaces eliminates the energy between the two spaces and brings beauty and relaxation.

Feng Shui kitchen and bathroom

Choose the colors of the kitchen and bathroom walls differently. This can well define spaces and separate each other and maintains the energy of two spaces well.


Find a creative way to define the boundary between kitchen and bathroom. For example, you can do it with a tall plant or a curtain.

Feng Shui Bathroom

Make sure the bathroom is always clean and orderly. one of Feng Shui Principles of Grooming and Order. A clean and brilliant space can double the positive energy in space.


Always keep the bathroom door closed.



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